Six months waiting for our ET babycakes. There is finally a glimpse of hope for movement in this process. We waiting. I'm excited at the prospect of movement and praying that God's will would be done in the lives of orphans in ET. Whatever that will may be! Six months seems CRAZY. It's gone by very very quickly. That's half a year, people!
In other news, our first (and maybe only) home study visit for our foster care license is this Sunday! Super excited! I feel so different going into this home study than I did the first one. I suppose practice makes lazy perfect right? I don't feel nearly as stressed about the house being perfect or about answering personal questions. At this point, my life (finances, personal life, marriage, parenting, friendships, etc) is an open book with no secrets. It's kind of strange to be in a constant state of sharing our personal lives with what is the equivalent of total strangers - but hey, that's adoption! If it were my baby in need of a home I'd hope the workers did their jobs thoroughly as well.
Our house is ready. For the most part. Hoping she's going to understand our crazy gardening mess as we have shop lights hanging from the ceiling above our dining table which is full of newly planted seeds just waiting to germinate. It's so cold in our dining room they may be waiting all growing season to get warm enough to sprout! We've got the bedroom ready and it's surreal to look at and think there will be little people living in there, potentially very soon! And to look at it and know that one of those beds is for our ET baby as well is completely crazy. With ET I have purposely avoided buying anything or setting up any space as to avoid disappointment - but getting ready for foster care made it necessary to demonstrate we have the room and resources for both - so now it's there... staring me down. It's now going to be a constant reminder of this roller coaster we're on!
I really should have taken before and after pics of the upstairs transformation, but alas, I only took after pics so you'll really need to use your imagination.
First, imagine this room filled to the brim with sewing machines, fabric, yarn, paint, easels, et.c |
Next, imagine this room completely full of random assortment of .... junk, all the way full, not just half way like it is now. |
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Now, this is the room after removing 2/3rds the junk and moving all said craftiness from previous room in. |
And here's the previous art room, now with cute little people beds! Looking like a room ready for little people!! |
So, second home study - here we come!