Wednesday, July 21, 2010


A couple of days ago two really big things happened!

1. Zeke finally crawled, belly off the floor, for the first time! There's no stopping him now. For a long time he's wanted to stand and cruise along the furniture but only army crawl and DRAG himself around the floor. I was starting to get worried... well, no worries - he can move! He can crawl (slowly) to where he wants to pull up, once he's up he's all around the living room transferring from one piece of furniture to another until he's gotten into everything! In no time he'll be letting go and walking on his own. Guess I'd better get busy with getting all these precious items put away since his most favorite activity is throwing things on the floor!

2. We had our first actual phone call with our social workers from Bethany! They told us all about the next steps and most of it we already knew but it was good to actually get to hear voices that go with names. Someday maybe we'll see a face? Seems crazy to get to adopt a baby without ever meeting your social worker! It was a good talk and Abe and I are excited to move forward. A little nervous as we sent in our home study application over a week ago and haven't heard anything of them receiving it! Pray they did.

God bless!

Monday, July 12, 2010

We've been accepted!

Even though we were still waiting on one reference to come in, Bethany decided to go ahead and accept us into the Ethiopia Program! This means we can officially begin our home study and start working on our dossier. They sent us the dossier packet and the travel packet and after printing the approximately 80 pages of just INSTRUCTIONS, we started to get a little overwhelmed by the paper chase ahead of us. We're going to take our time and work on one aspect at a time. We'll do the home study and training first and then we'll begin the mad rush to get all the paperwork together before any of it expires.

Pray for us to be organized! I'm getting a binder to keep it all in and I'm going to try and put my best organizational energies into it!

Also, if anyone knows a notary who may be willing to help us out with the papers let me know!