In adoption news we are finally at the tail end of our home study. We are waiting on our references to come in and then interviews and hopefully we'll have an approved home study! We are so thankful we've been able to get together all the funds we need for our first set of agency fees. God has blessed us so much in this area! We're living on much less than we were before and being quite frugal!
I would also love to share this link with you that talks about positive adoption language. We've been asked a LOT over the holidays whether we'll ever have children of "our own" again or if we'll "just adopt". It isn't "just adopting" at all! It's such a huge responsibility to be entrusted with someone else's biological child and to take on that responsibility is such a blessing. And rest assured, once we bring our child home they will most definitely be our "own" child. Our REAL child, just as much as Zeke is.
Biology plays no role in the love of a child. It's all heart and soul. And my heart already loves my child, wherever they are now.