Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Six Months and another home study.

Six months waiting for our ET babycakes. There is finally a glimpse of hope for movement in this process. We waiting. I'm excited at the prospect of movement and praying that God's will would be done in the lives of orphans in ET. Whatever that will may be! Six months seems CRAZY. It's gone by very very quickly. That's half a year, people! 

In other news, our first (and maybe only) home study visit for our foster care license is this Sunday! Super excited! I feel so different going into this home study than I did the first one. I suppose practice makes lazy perfect right? I don't feel nearly as stressed about the house being perfect or about answering personal questions. At this point, my life (finances, personal life, marriage, parenting, friendships, etc) is an open book with no secrets. It's kind of strange to be in a constant state of sharing our personal lives with what is the equivalent of total strangers - but hey, that's adoption! If it were my baby in need of a home I'd hope the workers did their jobs thoroughly as well. 

Our house is ready. For the most part. Hoping she's going to understand our crazy gardening mess as we have shop lights hanging from the ceiling above our dining table which is full of newly planted seeds just waiting to germinate. It's so cold in our dining room they may be waiting all growing season to get warm enough to sprout! We've got the bedroom ready and it's surreal to look at and think there will be little people living in there, potentially very soon! And to look at it and know that one of those beds is for our ET baby as well is completely crazy. With ET I have purposely avoided buying anything or setting up any space as to avoid disappointment - but getting ready for foster care made it necessary to demonstrate we have the room and resources for both - so now it's there... staring me down. It's now going to be a constant reminder of this roller coaster we're on! 

I really should have taken before and after pics of the upstairs transformation, but alas, I only took after pics so you'll really need to use your imagination. 
First, imagine this room filled to the brim with sewing machines, fabric, yarn, paint, easels, et.c
Next, imagine this room completely full of random assortment of .... junk, all the way full, not just half way like it is now.
Now, this is the room after removing 2/3rds the junk and moving all said craftiness from previous room in.

And here's the previous art room, now with cute little people beds! Looking like a room ready for little people!!

So, second home study - here we come!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Five months and a growing ministry.

Well, its been 5 months since our paperwork left for Ethiopia. Still have a long time to wait. While our social worker for ET (ethiopia) is telling us that we will fall at the far end of our estimated wait time (8-14 months) but that we will, most likely be in the wait time.... I have a sneaky suspicion that it will be more than 14 months. Either way, if your counting down from 14 instead of up from 0 - then we are now in the single digit months (9) left to wait! We shall see. In other adoption news, we are in the process of officially signing our Concurrent Adoption Risk Statement so that when our foster licensure is finished (probably mid-March) we can begin taking placements!

In other news...

I don't typically write a lot of detail about ministry. A variety of reasons, mainly just because it's such an abstract thing and each persons ministry is so different that it often feels hard to make any concise conclusion on the matter. However, today I just feel like talking ministry.

For example, how does one equate growth or success when it comes to building the Kingdom of God? The Kingdom is such a backwards, upside-down, skewed thing that to those of us suffering in our mortal forms growth seems like shrinking and success feels much like failure. We've been doing a lot of new things lately in our ministry here in Cincinnati. New mentoring programs for youth. New logos and websites and volunteer manuals and policies. New, and wonderful volunteers. New approach to how we collect and prepare food.

So much new. So much that feels like growth.

And yet, ironically all of these different things have done one thing consistently: created a situation where I feel that there is a shrinking. For example, as we created a mentoring program designed to hold students accountable to mentoring contracts and punctuality and appropriate mentee behavior we knew that student would be forced to choose. Choose to participate and receive the benefits of such participation. Or choose to leave. Sadly, a few students have chosen to leave as opposed to be held accountable to appropriate behavior. It has given me so many sleepless nights and so much heartache as I have lost the regular contact I once had with students I've been building relationships with over the course of the last 6 years. While I know that this is growth in the ministry as a whole as we weed out those that have been a distraction to the others who are really seeking to learn... It feels a whole lot more like shrinking.

I know that that is part of Kingdom building. It's the whole parable of the sowing of the seeds. Different soils. Some fertile, some shallow and rocky, some full of weeds and thorns, some too hot and dry, some too heavily traveled and open to predators. It seems that the hearts and lives of our urban young people are either fertile, or a horrible mixture of these other types. The kids face so much struggle: People in their lives who will come and steal and eat and destroy the seed of hope we plant, hard situations that cause a shallowness that simply won't allow the seed to take root, peer pressure springing up and choking out those precious new seeds of hope trying to rise to the surface, or a harsh environment creating too much heat to allow the new shoots to survive. It seems that our kids are dealing with all these things at the same time. It keeps me up nights thinking and scheming how to help improve the soil, how to manipulate the variables to create an optimal growing environment.

I feel this way, and these children do not biologically, legally, or even informally belong to me. I feel the same longing to see them know Christ and succeed that I feel about Z or L. I long for everyone in the world to feel the same passion for them that I feel so that with help we really can save a generation of students that are so bright, so full of passion, so longing to be loved and to love. We can help them become some thing great. I know we can.

But right now, it feels a bit like shrinking.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Good, good day. Picture Post.

Good friend Sarah gave us not one, but TWO beds for our foster/adopt journeys! Can't wait to put them together and get them out of the living room!

Making snowflakes at the nursing home with Grandma Loie

Spending time with Grandma Loie

Monday, January 23, 2012

Foster Care and other adventures in family growth.

Alright. When we were doing, but not doing, but still unknowingly doing this Ethiopian adoption - we started foster care training. So after rejoining the Ethiopia program we thought and prayed about what to do about this process that'd we'd begun for foster care. Well, we decided to continue and get our foster care license and we restarted our training yesterday.

It looks like we'll be licensed somewhere around the end of February if all goes as planned. Our last training class will be February 12th and then the home study worker will come out and do our home study which should not (fingers crossed) take more than a few weeks. So, after our license comes in there is potential for us to get a placement right away! Or, of course, as all things orphan care can always go - we could wait.

All in God's time, and hopefully people won't stand in the way of His will.

But, I have to say, after feeling discouraged about adoption and feeling like maybe I've been reading Him all wrong - I really feel like he's working things out. Every time there is a weird road block, he takes care of it.

For example, we needed a new fire inspection for the foster care home study. So a guy comes out and freaks out about the smallest problems with our house. Our outlet covers are off because we started painting the kitchen a year ago and haven't finished we're painting. Our fire extinguisher sits on the counter instead of being mounted on the wall. Our basement is a mess of VW parts that a "child could get hurt on" (why would an infant be in the basement unsupervised??). So, then, after all that he never called back and would not return our calls. So I called a different inspector, she came out that same day and approved us!

Well, show up to training yesterday and look through our forms again to realize she didn't sign the back of the form! So I called her today and she came back out and signed the form. She told me that it was weird I called her today cause the other guy was talking to her about us and saying we were going to "have to call him back" to deal with our issues (specifically he was not happy with the disarray of a green house Abe is building in the yard). She just told him, "I went out and approved them. They do not have to call you back!" She told me, "I'm not concerned with your yard, I'm trying to make sure you are safe in a fire in your house not in your yard!"

So, that's worked out. She even approved sleeping arrangements on the third floor, which means this weekend I get to start setting up a bedroom for what will hopefully be new additions soon!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Inkredible Shrinking Me

I've added a new tab at the top of this blog linking to my weightloss/healthy living blog. I'm gonna get healthy for real this time.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Thank you MLK

An adoptive mama I know posted this quote today and even though our adoption isn't final and in reality L isn't legally part of our family my whole family life and ministry is a testimony to the change that MLK helped in bringing about in this country. I'm so thankful for his legacy and the beautiful life he's contributed to me having because of his obedience to Christ in fighting for justice and equality.

I have a dream....that one day little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls and walk together as sisters and brothers. 
-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

Sunday, January 15, 2012


I've been thinking a lot about the word "provision" lately. I think that sometimes I spend so much time praying and asking God to provide for the things I want or need that I forget to actually watch for the ways in which he's already working on it.

For example, I've been praying constantly for God to provide for our ministry both in provision of workers as well as funding and material resources. At every turn it feels like, "HELLO, are you there God? Are you going to provide?" Then something crazy happens and say, our treasurer quits. Meaning we have to find a new one. I'm shaking my head saying, hello? Is this provision??

But wait...

RANDOM phone call from a friend who will be our treasurer, has experience in non-profit record keeping, and will do it for free?

Ah, now that's provision. Not just what we need, but MORE. And not when we wanted it, but that when it happened - He worked it for good.

So then, I'm thinking. This whole adoption business is not happening as I would like it to. I know not all of you are as up to date with Ethiopian adoption processes as I am - but suffice it to say things are moving SLOWLY. There are some current changes happening and right now it feels as if we're at a stand still. This is frustrating.

But wait...

All of a sudden there are workers for ministry, coming out of the wood work! Now I'm thinking, this adoption waiting business is not as I'd like it to be. I'm not even positive that it's "all in God's timing" as a lot of folks would say (although of course it might truly be, as I will not pretend to know the will of God) as I find it hard to believe God desires orphans to wait long periods of time in orphanages when loving families are waiting... but....

I do believe with all my heart that God is using this waiting period to work all things together for good in the life of our family. I believe that as I pray for provision he may not be raining manna from heaven the instant I ask, but as I wait and watch I can see a process of provision unfolding.

Workers for the ministry to allow me to focus more on mothering. (An essential when bringing home an internationally adopted child.)
Funding to allow the ministry to continue, grow and thrive that will eventually mean Abe doesn't have to work two jobs.
Time to put all of it together and be READY when the time comes to travel.

I do think that God is providing these things as we wait. So that's exciting!

I'm trusting that on the other side of things (and the other side of the world), God is providing for our child what they need to be healthy and strong; and for their first mother the things she needs to heal; and for Ethiopia the systems and resources they need to care for their children and families.

God truly is a God of provision. I'm praying for him to provide these things and I'm praying for him to work in a way that allows us to bring a child in need of a family into ours.

But still waiting....

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Four months waiting and more....

Alright everyone, we've been waiting 4 months (well, in 4 more days it will be 4 months). In some ways it seems like 4 is a lot. Four is so much better than 1 or 2 or 3. But 4 is not as good as say... 8 or 10 or 12.... Although at this point it seems like it's going to be more than the 14 that was originally the max end of our agencies wait time estimates. Which is ok. I'm telling myself that this is just like all the other things in my life that I've waited on God for that have been an awesome story of His work in the world when all is said and done. I do believe it will be. 

In other news, I've made some progress towards our goals in these last two months since I posted. I really need to make a goal to post more, but this has been a BUSY time for us. Here's a photo explanation of what  we've been up to:

We had an awesome set of food drives for the ministry and are now almost fully stocked!

Z got to make a gingerbread house at a Chick-fil-a craft night. Talk about a frustrating craft for mama's. The thing wouldn't stay together!

We made paper star lanterns for grandma's and Aunt Sarah for Christmas!

And Christmas cookies!

L opening the start of his college preparation stuff. Who doesn't want a laundry basket and dishes for Christmas?!

Z loved his presents and having Grandma Beth and Papa Brian in town!

Made home made flour tortillas as part of my effort to cook at home more. We've only eaten out once a week for two weeks AND I've gone to bed each night with a clean kitchen. It really is a Christmas miracle.

Started the new People of Promise Leadership Initiative for the youth in the ministry. It went awesome! Can't wait til next week!

And finally, Z is turning into a tool man.
Overall, we've had an awesome holiday season and I'm a bit sorry its over. But the good news is we're on the right track! We're enjoying our life as a family and working towards making ministry better and better.