I've been thinking a lot about the word "provision" lately. I think that sometimes I spend so much time praying and asking God to provide for the things I want or need that I forget to actually watch for the ways in which he's already working on it.
For example, I've been praying constantly for God to provide for our ministry both in provision of workers as well as funding and material resources. At every turn it feels like, "HELLO, are you there God? Are you going to provide?" Then something crazy happens and say, our treasurer quits. Meaning we have to find a new one. I'm shaking my head saying, hello? Is this provision??
But wait...
RANDOM phone call from a friend who will be our treasurer, has experience in non-profit record keeping, and will do it for
Ah, now that's provision. Not just what we need, but MORE. And not when we wanted it, but that when it happened - He worked it for good.
So then, I'm thinking. This whole adoption business is not happening as I would like it to. I know not all of you are as up to date with Ethiopian adoption processes as I am - but suffice it to say things are moving SLOWLY. There are some current changes happening and right now it feels as if we're at a stand still. This is frustrating.
But wait...
All of a sudden there are workers for
ministry, coming out of the wood work! Now I'm thinking, this adoption waiting business is not as I'd like it to be. I'm not even positive that it's "all in God's timing" as a lot of folks would say (although of course it might truly be, as I will not pretend to know the will of God) as I find it hard to believe God desires orphans to wait long periods of time in orphanages when loving families are waiting... but....
I do believe with all my heart that God is using this waiting period to work all things together for good in the life of our family. I believe that as I pray for provision he may not be raining manna from heaven the instant I ask, but as I wait and watch I can see a process of provision unfolding.
Workers for the ministry to allow me to focus more on mothering. (An essential when bringing home an internationally adopted child.)
Funding to allow the ministry to continue, grow and thrive that will eventually mean Abe doesn't have to work two jobs.
Time to put all of it together and be READY when the time comes to travel.
I do think that God is providing these things as we wait. So that's exciting!
I'm trusting that on the other side of things (and the other side of the world), God is providing for our child what they need to be healthy and strong; and for their first mother the things she needs to heal; and for Ethiopia the systems and resources they need to care for their children and families.
God truly is a God of provision. I'm praying for him to provide these things and I'm praying for him to work in a way that allows us to bring a child in need of a family into ours.
But still waiting....