Friday, June 11, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Back from North Carolina! My mom, Zeke, and I went on a little mini vacation to Atlantic Beach and it was wonderful to get out of town for a while!
I hate flying with a passion and was having LOSTish dreams of crashing and burning for weeks before we left. But I'm happy to announce that we survived! It gave me good practice on flying with a "lap child" for when we bring our new babe home!

Now that we're home I thought we would try and get in the swing of things with a
new routine: Ezekiel would sleep in his own bed, in his own room. Now, I knew after 9 months of co-sleeping this would not necessarily be an easy task, but I give up so easily! After an hour and a half of deep, silent sleep he woke up screaming and hysterical. So, I brought him back to bed with me! I'm so weak. I don't know how we'll ever make this transition if I keep giving in, but part of me just likes having him right there. No getting up and down to nurse, no worry about burglars, SIDS, bugs, heat, cold, cats, etc.

So then all night I kept dreaming about what we would do when we have two
kids. We'll need a bigger bed! (Just kidding, I hope.)

Oh, and please buy coffee.

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