Monday, August 2, 2010

First Appointment

Haven't updated in a while, we're about to have our first meeting with our social worker from Catholic Charities to begin our home study. It is Wednesday afternoon, nothing major - just to talk about what the process is like and for her to give us direction on getting the paperwork together. I'm excited though. Since we are dealing with Bethany in an out of state office we have never met any of our workers there - it seems it will feel much more real to actually be seeing and speaking with someone in person!

We had VBS at church this last week and it was awesome! about 30 kids each day and about half of them it was their first time attending our church. Valerie rounded them up from the housing project she lives in - she's an awesome evangelist!

Zeke has so many new skills emerging everyday it's crazy! He is finally crawling (belly OFF the ground), he's SOOO close to taking his first independent steps, and today - I said, "turn off the light" and he reached over and flipped the switch! His first step towards becoming mommy's little helper. He must be getting teeth again though because sleep has been hard to come by.

I'm trying to be patient in the adoption process, so I'm focusing on these things. Watching Zeke grow, ministering to kids in 'hood, and trying to be a good mama and wife.

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