I have completely neglected this blog over the last month, but only because life is so abundantly full! So much has happened that I just haven't had the chance to tell you all about it. I'll give you a quick run down:
1. Zeke turned 1! My baby boy is a whole year old! He's learning to walk, talking all the time, and turning into quite the rough and tumble toddler. It's so hard to believe that it's been a year since he was born. Seems like yesterday. When I think about all the things that have happened over the course of the last year I can barely recall anything that isn't Zeke related! His birth has changed my life completely and I'm so happy to have him.
2. We went to CCDA! I love CCDA (Christian Community Development Association) and it is always such an encouraging week. We learned a lot and were very affirmed in our philosophy of ministry at the church and what we're trying to accomplish in our organization. We learned a lot of things about the importance of boldness and discipleship and we've returned home with a whole new level of commitment to discipleship. We've also gotten renewed vision for our ministry and for Northside and we're excited to start spreading that vision around and as John Perkins said, "turn the vision into passion"! I personally also have renewed passion for trying to encourage diversity on our district in the church of the Nazarene. I hope I'll be able to get some non-white speakers and leadership into the district events somehow. Don't know how that's going to happen quite yet, but I'm excited to try!

We're so excited to get to work on all these ideas. We've been trying to purchase the building across the street from the church to house interns in and we've got lots of ideas floating around to create jobs and encourage community development (food coops, men's discipleship, church run micro-enterprise, etc.). We just need to get it all organized in thought and start seeing who we can collaborate with to make it happen! I hope, and envision, God really bringing together the Church in Northside to help develop the people here who are under-resourced and often ignored in leadership and community building. I think it'll be fantastic!
Coming up next is more and more busy life. Our goal is to get our self-studies for the adoption finished by the end of this month and move on to the other paper work. We're also starting tutoring this week and hopefully starting Good News Club at Chase Elementary by the second-ish week of October. Exciting stuff!
If you think to pray for us pray that God will use us to facilitate the growth of Godly leaders in Northside. Pray that the adoption process would go smoothly and that God would provide the funds necessary to pay our upcoming agency fees. And most of all pray for our babies, both the one in our home and the one yet to come!

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