Well, Our home study interviews are complete! They went really well and it was a really nice experience. Our social worker is typing them up as I'm typing this post and hopefully we'll have a draft to us and to Bethany by the end of the day tomorrow!
After we all get to review it and make sure it's ok and accurately reflects us as a family and Bethany reviews it to make sure it's what is needed for Ethiopia then it'll be finalized and we'll receive all the copies we need to send off to USCIS to get immigration approval and to add to our dossier and to send off to apply for some adoption grants! I'm so happy to be so close to having this part of the journey completed. It's a big step and makes this feel a lot more real.
I continue to be shocked at how much Satan tries to prevent orphan care. He knows how important children are to the kingdom of God and it seems he fights so hard to put children in harms way. I have felt so much lately that children are SO important to Jesus. Not just "orphans" but all children. God wants us to be good parents to our children. He wants children to be in families, and for those families to be full of his LOVE.
So many things have been happening in the process of Ethiopian adoptions that you can definitely feel the work of evil trying to work to harm children, but the good news is that God is bigger. God has the power to help mend families and keep birth families together. God has the power to help orphans find families. God has the power to raise up prospective adoptive families and encourage them to adopt. To support them as they feel Satan attack them emotionally, spiritually, physically, and financially. God is bigger. God is bigger than a government, a process, an agency, or any thing or any one else who may get in the way of the care of orphans and families.
And I'm glad.