Thursday, February 3, 2011

First Home Study Visit

So, our home visit is over! Our social worker and the other worker she is training came to the house yesterday afternoon and toured our home, interviewed us with some follow up questions concerning our autobiographical papers we filled out, and filled out a safety check on our home. It looks like everything is pretty much in order and there are only a few hurdles left in the way of finishing this forever long home study!

First, we are two training hours short. So this weekend we'll have to do some online classes and get the rest of our hours taken care of.

Second, we have to go in to the Catholic Charities office for our individual interviews. This will happen next Wednesday. Once those interviews are finished and everything is typed up they'll send us a draft and Bethany (our placing agency) a draft and we'll approve the draft. After that they'll take us before their staff for approval and hopefully the process will be finished at that staff meeting on February 16th!

In general, the visit went well. I was so nervous and nothing I said seemed to be right. I ask that you also pray for our individual interviews next week that we'd be able to say what we mean and that we'd be able to have great interviews!

Thanks so much for all your prayers and support through this adoption process.

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