Tuesday, October 4, 2011

How I love Fall.

I love fall.

During the summer things are a bit chaotic and there is no real schedule and things just don't flow as well. We seem to be in a constant state of motion as we plan and lead mission groups all summer long. I love having the groups come and participate in our mission and it's an amazing experience to partner with people from all over the country in ministry here, but by the end of summer - I'm ready for fall!

I love when the weather cools and the neighbors get nicer and the trees turn gorgeous colors. My house is no longer a stifling 90 degrees. It's awesome!

But fall is also a reminder that things are coming to a close. Our garden is starting to really fade and we've brought in most of the plants we hope to have bear out the winter indoors. Z's birthday has come and gone and now he's this busy busy two year old with a temper and a definitely mind of his own! No more baby, pure toddler loveliness now! I am ready for a new beginning in many areas of my life and I hope that the coming year will bring that.

I am excited to see what God has in store for our family and I'm hoping beyond hoping that a miracle will happen and by this time next year we will at least have a referral of our next beautiful baby (or toddler!). I'm super excited about what God is doing in our ministry. I know I often sound a bit burnt out and tired (which is often true) but God's hand is at work in our ministry and in our community and he is using us and the people around us to truly make an impact on our little part of the world. I can't wait to see where it all goes next!

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